Mother's Day

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 31:28-30 KJV

28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

In today's lesson we wish to honor “Mothers”, of course we know there are a lot of “mothers” in the world and God loves them all. We, however, are specifically addressing “godly Mothers” because we (ihlcc) believe only a godly mother truly qualifies for a virtuous woman according to God's Word in line with (in agreement with) Proverbs 31:10-31. Godly mothers have three major goals; the first is spending adequate time with God. Yes, the “godly mother” knows God is responsible for giving her a good husband and good happy children. She puts God first in her life because her Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Chris are the light of her candle. She also puts God first in Word and deed. She doesn’t just talk a good game she rather lives God with no shame. The “godly mother” not only acts like God but she speaks the Word of God continuously (faithfully) day and might. It is her relationship with Jesus Christ and fellowship with her Heavenly Father that motivates her love for her family and all mankind tenderly and truthfully (honestly). Secondly, according to divine order the “godly mother” ministers to her husband and that is why he praises her in verse 28. It is good to also notice in verse 28 that her husband will arise and call her blessed which can be interpreted as he will bless her both verbally and in acts of kindness and materially/financially too. The “godly mother” is full of wisdom when it comes to taking care of her husband; she knows exactly how to comfort him in difficult times and seasons in his life. She also encourages his progress in the works of his hands she prays for his promotion and honor. The “godly mother” knows only God can disciple her husband so she practices prayer and submission while expecting God to speak to him about His Will for their life and correct His (The Heavenly Father’s) son (her husband) during times of disciple. Thirdly, we see the never ending ministry of love and care (tenderness) the “godly mother” has for all her children, whether one or twenty one. She rises early to tend to their needs and likewise they arise consistently to praise her according to verse 28. The “godly mother” will always sacrifice for her child because she would be happy to do without if it meant her children have their daily provision or a satisfied want. She knows her children's tendencies so well that she can predict their future behavior. The “godly mother” watches and prays for her children to make sure nothing is left undone or missed. She always speaks well of them to reap a harvest of them speaking well of her. Her children are blessed by her wisdom and living example, thus they draw even closer to God. Ultimately the “godly mother” is praised by God because He too expresses His deep overflowing Love for her. Her good deeds will never go unnoticed by God and for her love for Him she shall remain in the center of God's Heart for she is the apple of His eye in Christ Jesus. Blessed Mother’s Day to all the “godly Mothers” for you are blessed in God right now with a blessed (bright) future ahead in Christ Jesus. Amen!